Complete arch Implant supported prosthesis

ALL on X - Complete arch reconstruction

This treatment it’s recommended for patients that don’t have teeth or when they are to compromised to be restored, 4, 6 or 8 implants are placed to restore the whole arch with a fixed Implant supported prosthesis.

How does it work ? It’s divided in 3 phases

  1. Surgical phase

  2. Final impressions for final prosthesis

  3. Full arch prosthesis delivery and installation

For initial phase we ask our patients for a 3 days visit, if posible try to bring a companion or family member to this trip.

On the first day, we have a consultation and clinical exploration to answer all your questions and concerns you may have. We take a CT Scan, dental records, Intra oral and facial pictures for the fabrication of your temporary prosthesis.

The next day we perform the surgical procedure, 4 to 8 implants are placed to support your prosthesis, you are anesthetized with local anesthetic and oral sedation.

IV Sedation can be performed by an anesthesiologist with an additional fee of 169$ per hour, usually the time needed is around 4 hours

On the third day you’ll get your temporary denture adjusted for the healing period of 4 to 6 months.

After the healing period once everything has healed final impressions are made to fabricate the Permanent prosthesis in a dental laboratory, the time process for the lab takes around 14-16 days.

(expedited or rushed cases can be made in 6-8 days ) 

Third visit its needed for the delivery and installation of the full arch Implant supported prosthesis or stay for a couple of weeks until the work is ready. 

Follow up appointments are recommended every 6 months during the first year to evaluate the hygiene and health of the implants.



Dental Implants

